Eat Your Veggies & Have a Meatball

I can’t be the only one who excitedly buys a bunch of veggies only to come back to the fridge after a few days and see them starting to wilt.

They’re a little mushy, definitely not crisp, and definitely not very flavorful.

You might be tempted to throw them right in the trash, but there’s another solution for the waste!

So here’s the tip:

Use your leftover, on the edge veg for meatball add-ins. Just chop them finely or grate them, and give those meatballs a little extra bulk and nutrients. Much better than having your money go straight into the trash instead of your stomach where they belong.

Let me know if you try this out 🙂 the soil that grew those vegetables will thank you.

That’s all for now.

As always,

In Soil We Trust,


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